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Mom's questions and observations in boldface.  Shaun's answers in plain type.

It is eye-opening to hear what goes on inside the mind of someone with motor planning issues as they try to follow directions.




1. When I say "Go to the sunroom," what does that mean?

It means that I should get up and walk to the sunroom. 


2. Where is the sunroom relative to where we are sitting now?

It is on the left through the double glass doors.I essentially can see it now.


3. Go there now.


4. You were not able to go to the sunroom, but stayed on the couch and tried to say something.  What happened?

I had no idea what to do with my body so I tried to tell you that.


5. Did your brain know what to do and your body didn't?

Really yes


6. Did you know that you should get up from the couch?

My brain knew, but my body didn't.


7. Stand up now. (Shaun did it!)


8. Stand up and then walk to the sunroom. (Shaun could not do anything.)

Why couldn't you even stand up this time?

The walk to the sunroom part confused me. So I did nothing.


What happened to the stand up part? Did you forget about it?

Yes when I got to the confusing part, I forgot that part.



1.  You can walk to the kitchen but not the sunroom.  Do you know why?

No, I have no idea.


2. When I asked you to walk to the sunroom, did you know what to do at first?  Or did you forget while you were walking? Or not know before you stood up?

I just knew that I needed to walk somewhere.


3.  Have you ever tried looking at the place you are supposed to go and just walk to it?

Yes but I still get confused and can't figure out what to do. 


4. What side am I sitting on, your right or left?

My right, unless you move.


5. Surprise!  I'm actually sitting on your left. What do you think of that?

Really I'm not surprised because I don't know the difference.


6.  Do you know the difference between your dominant and non-dominant hand, or don't you have a dominant hand?

I don't have a dominant hand.



1. I wrote "left" and "right" on top of your hands.  Now, am I sitting on your right or left? 

If you aren't sure then look at your hands.

You are on my left. (correct)


2.  Is the fireplace on your right or left?

Nicely on my right (correct)


3.  Point to the fireplace.  (does nothing)

Most difficult to do.


4. What does "point to the fireplace mean"?

It means that I should point my finger at the fireplace.


5. Point your finger.

(Shaun pointed at the keyboard--so correct, he pointed his finger)


6.  Point your finger and lift your arm.

Needed a reminder to lift his arm


7.  Point, lift, and aim at the fireplace.  Practiced 7 times.

Could then do it independently himself x 3.

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