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Here are some of the devices that Shaun has tried and approved, and I've included others that look helpful too. Every child is different!  If your have tried one of these, blog about your experience.  If you have another device suggestion, let me know and I will add it to this list! These are available from multiple sellers online (these were all listed on Amazon). The good news is that they are all around $50 or less.

For Shaun who had initially required an adult arm for support, the forearm support device would have been the closest substitute. By posing the fingers over the keys, it supports the muscles of the shoulder, upper arm and lower arm, allowing the child to focus their attention on the fine motor movement of pushing the key with a finger. This is distal to proximal motor training, similar to backwards chaining when teaching new skills. Make it easy to produce the end result, and work back from there.

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Forearm support device

Can be attached to a desk, table, or even a laptop desk (may need to wedge in a small book or block to make a thicker attachment object for the vice if using a laptop desk)

Wrist rest

Shaun uses this wrist support to assist with proper hand placement during 10 finger touch typing.

Alternate forearm support device

This could be attached on the arm of the chair or on a desk. The top appears to pivot to face the desired direction.

Wrist Cradle

May offer a more soft and supportive feel

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Body and forearm support

May help stabilize arms and torso for typing.

Weighted gloves

Weighted to give more sensory input about body position in space

Compression gloves

Pressure to increase awareness of hand movement and position

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